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 Punjabi University
Anti Corruption Action Helpline Number 95012-00200

Master Mind College of Education
Campus :
Dabwali Road, Vill. ,
Gehri Butar, Bathinda (Punjab)

Vice Chairman's Message

Sh. D.R Singla

The secret of learning in discipline and devotion to the Guru. Lord Rama and Lord Krishna who have ever been worshipped as incarnation of God, were, in fact great scholars and learners. Lord Rama had mastered not only in the science of weapons and war-fare but also had super knowledge of all physical, human and life sciences. He was learned enough to solve all social, economic and psychological human problems. His knowledge had awaked all powers within him. Education is a source of perfection. He remained determinably devoted to his Guru. This is the secret of Lord Rama's grandeur.

 Lord Krishna had too been devoted to his Guru. He mastered all the sixty four disciplines which comprised Para Vidya and Apara Vidya. He had achieved perfection in all spiritual, social, material and physical sciences.

 The education therefore is a way to eternity. One becomes in life what one learns. This is the reason that UNO has promoted the theory “learning to be”.               In fact the education has been a pivot of great invincible nations and civilisations. The fall of a nation is directly proportional to the fall in the standard of Education. The greater the standard of Education the greater the rise of a nation.

 The pupil-teachers therefore commit themselves to the cause of Education. The learning of pupil-teachers, their mastery of teaching skills, their appreciation of teaching methodologies and strategies during the BEd course will go a long way in shaping the career of their students. The teachers not only shape the careers of their students but also build their lives and characters. A student who learns well becomes an asset of the nation, the society and the family . Hence the destiny of the nation takes place through the class rooms. Let teaching be the noble mission of each learner, who aspires to be a teacher. The college extends all and whole hearted support to it students.

Prof.D.R Singla

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