Peer team is coming in our
college on 9th - 10th Feb, 2012.
Prof. AP. Padhi (Chair
person) Former VC,Berhampur
University)Shantinagar Behind Shirdi, Sai Mandir
Danipali Road Budharaja(Sambalpur-768004,Orrisa
(Mob)- 09437209685, 09938103394
Prof. N.A Nadeem (Prof. Head
and Dean, Faculty of Education) The
University of Kashmir, Hyderabad,
Srinagar-190006, Jammu & Kashmir.
Dr. K.S George(Member)
Principal, Titus II Teacher College,
Tiruvalla-689101, Kerela Mob-09447462037
The following seven criteria was evaluated
by the NAAC Peer Team.
1. Curriculur Aspects
2. Teaching Learning and Evaluation
3. Research , Consultancy and Extension
4. Infrastructure and learning Resources
5. Student Support and Progress
6. Governance and Leadership
7. Innovative Practices
On the 1st day of the Inspection Peer Team visited
all the department and Labs. They interact with the
parents of the Student, all the Alumnus. Teachers
and also visited the teaching practice school. On
the 2nd day of Inspection, an Exit meeting was also
held in the second day evening at the college
campus. Where a cultural programme was also
presented by the college students.
At the end of the exit meeting Peer team present
their experience to the audience that how was they
feel about the college after the Inspection and
submit the NAAC report to the college Principal. Dr.
Mrs. Vinod Devgun.
College Received ‘A’ Grade from the NAAC by getting
CGPA 3.13.
It was a great achievement by the Principal,
Teaching Staff and Non-teaching Staff and the
students to obtain the ‘A’ Grade.s
